On: Reclaiming My Time

2:38 PM


Your compassion is a weakness your enemy will not share
- Henri Ducard aka Ra's al Ghul 
My pathos for anyone affiliated with that Great Orange Sperm Whale currently squatting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has been nonexistant since the emergence of his ghastly presence within the realm of this new brand of reality television politics.

There is a simmering hatred within the very core of my being reserved especially for him. That I am even forced to interact, daily, with his soulless corporeal form is truly a plague upon my spirit.

These sentiments aren't limited to just him, but others whose mentalities and politics align with or project empathy onto his.

I will never extend any form of sympathy for those who actively root against my being.



I will also never understand how white people people aware of the aforementioned manage to extend and maintain a humane outlook upon those who would never deign to do the same for them.

So here I stand, a humble being, reclaiming my time from it all.

Always, in all ways.

From the people who silently sit by, crying out vacant pious platitudes as atrocity after atrocity piles up and slowly destroys the Earth's foundation, never once fronting or initiating any laws to legitimize change.

(See: Lawmakers responses to gun violence and turbulent weather as a result of global warming)

The people who preach nonviolence as the appropriate response to violence, pulling Martin Luther King Jr. quotes out of their asses all the while conveniently forgetting the man was violently assassinated.

The people who infiltrate minority spaces for the aesthetics and perceived coolness, yet are nowhere to be found once any signs of strife materialize.

The people who scream into sheetcakes while expecting minorities to endlessly fight a battle only they can win.


The people who play the Oppression Olympics.

The people who believe that being a Model Minority allows them to transcend their minority status.

The people who use All Lives Matter as a counter to Black Lives Matter, wholly ignorant to the empirical data proving that the cake of equality is not split into symmetrical pieces. And, uh, oh yeah, the fact that black lives are also included in all lives.

(Because: racist, attention whores, racial insecurity, etc.)

The people who wear pink pussycat hats and scream at rallies, but sit mutely at any table with any being opposed to their very right to free existence.

The people who move into the hood, partake in some light, ethnic cleansing and, when all is complete, spend a majority of their time calling the police on longtime residents who do not fit into the new, paler optics.

And so much more that I cannot currently remember because I don't eat enough almonds.

These friendly rapports and insistences on seeing the humanity within those who are blind to the thought of doing the same for me are so tedious and elementary.

If any of this is applicable to you, reader, chances are we will not get along.

The friend of my enemy is also my enemy.

Beware the one who stands in the middle.

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