On: Hate Watching

9:56 PM

I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate - it's apathy. It's not giving a damn. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Hey, uh, please stop talking to myself and other people, in excessive detail, about the things you claim to hate.

You cannot make a declaration of hate about something you actively seek out, 'hate watch' and/or provide expounded commentary about.

Truthfully, I myself am working daily to eliminate the word hate from my vocabulary.

It requires a lot more effort than I am willing to output to something that is, by Google definition, a feeling of intense or passionate dislike.

Why be passionate about anything that does not actively bring me joy?

Seems like it goes against my best interests.

I'm not trying to waste precious energy on intense feelings for something or someone I don't see it for, and I will never understand why people do.

ESPECIALLY in this day and age where everywhere you turn, mass idiocy and tragedy is constantly awaiting in the shadows in preparation to assault our being.

I genuinely do not have the energy or a durable enough mental capacity to take on something else.

If I don't like something, I don't want to see it, hear it nor be near it. Period.

When the things or people I do dislike just so happen to enter my space or line of vision, I tend to treat those situations with a high level of apathy and disinterest.

I will also act as though the very thing I dislike is in no way visible to me, meaning I will act like you look just like Sia - I can't see ya.

Hit you with the real world version of Twitter's mute/block combo.

So if you are looking at me to validate your thoughts, or plan on constantly engaging me in a tête-à-tête about something you claim to not care about, chances are:

1. I won't
2. I will sit there, silently, let you get your steam off and then redirect the conversation.

As I've gotten older, the act of picking and choosing my battles has become necessary for my growth.

I am no longer in the business of indulging my every childish whim or fantasies because I have things to lose, and as annoying as he is, Drake did have a point when he said jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.

There are people who actually get pleasure from hating, who LOVE hating, who find their joy and purpose in hateration and holleration.

Yeah, not in this dance soiree dancery.

There is something to be said about people who loudly bond over their intense and passionate feelings of dislike for something or someone.

Especially if their long-winded assertions end with, "but I don't even care though," or, "I don't know why ya'll give (insert hated person or thing here) so much attention."

You do care, and there you go - giving the very thing you claim to not care for, attention.

The obsessive dedication to doing such is more telling of you than the being or thing you so claim to detest.

I'm not that old, but I'm getting too old for that - it is draining.

Either hit the mute/block combo and push forward, or admit that you actively track and seek out the very things you dislike.

If that's how you get your release, go ahead and do you, boo.

Just leave me out of it.

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