On: Perpetual Victimhood

3:35 PM

Images via dasanispokeswoman

I think there are people who get off on this new eras random, subgenre of extremist pc culture. Specifically, I think there are some people who relish throwing out "-isms" and "triggered!!" and 'slash-slash-slash' marginalizations because it provides them with the joy of making others feel small. That and because it deflects from the fact that they find delight in being King at the top of a landmine riddled mountain.

If you have a Tumblr or have been on Tumblr, I'm sure you've been witness to people who abuse the endless text option to detail Western society's propensity to uphold unequal playing fields across numerous spectrums. This is usually done as a way to garner some sort of acute emotional response, go viral or, weirdly enough, maintain conditioning.

I am not denying victimhood and the importance of expanding individual consciousness as a response to an evolving society, I'm just saying not everything is an attack on minority. As a minority myself, I've grown to recognize that there are certain arenas in life which have been set up to perpetuate my denial to equal access. So I emphasize that, no I don't speak for everybody, but I've just begun to feel as though there are people who would rather rot in a state of perpetual victimhood rather than acknowledge inequity and continue to fight regardless. I believe the core reason behind people doing this lies in the desire to lord some weird form of intellectual supremacy over others.

Not everything is an attack on your person.

Not everything is set up to attack your person.

I've spent endless amounts of time reading inane thinkpieces about topics ranging from the true motives of cartoon characters, to the use of the word, 'daddy' by adult women and the meme-ification of Blue Ivy Carter. It is with annoyance I find after reading these odes of rebuke that I've retained nothing, learned nothing and stand to gain, nothing.

Yes, everything has a meaning, but not everything requires deep, 10th grade AP English-level analysis and summary.

Not even The Catcher in the Rye, yeah, I said it Salinger!

Nor does it present the need for analysis of gender, ability, race or sex study - sometimes, and that is about maybe every 4.75/10 times, it is truly not that deep.

Do you know just how fast things begin to lose meaning once they've been repeatedly done? Very fast. Not everything is in need of constant battle, bashing or a 'woe is me' narrative because then things begin to feel disingenuous, meaningless and attention-seeking.

Some things - believe it or not, and I know in today's society things are very hard to believe - are actually presented with the hope of not doing harm.

To quote Sigmund Freud: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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