On: When They Go Low...

7:04 PM

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Lord knows I love me some Michelle Obama so I'd just like to send out a 'Chrissy Teigen at the 2016 Oscars face' and an apology to her for this post beforehand - but the eyeroll I released when she told the liberal public to go high when the devil and his minions conservatives go low - whew, I was so very annoyed.

Not only because I knew that she - being a cultural icon - had unknowingly set forth what would become an avalanche of respectability politics rhetoric, but also because I knew her words would be used and skewed in ways she and I'd like to believe unimaginable.

Here's the thing about me: I am a firm believer in treating people the way they treat you.

Meaning if you go low, better believe I'll be there to meet you at the bottom.

I'm sorry, but I'm not here to please people who cannot bother to do the same for me, and I am definitely not the kind of neoliberal pleb who believes in seeing both sides (like Chanel).

The overwhelming narrative that praises kindness and likability over legitimate expression of feeling is so elementary, and I cannot wrap my head around that being a valid, praised response to any being who has violated you.

If you do me wrong, just know that I will be doing something about it.

And of course, being a woman, a black one on top of that, limits my ability to fully express anger for fear of adhering to certain stereotypes. But, funny enough, I've found that even before speaking people have already projected a certain image and ideal of conduct upon me - so why even bother to conform to the rules of respectability? For me? For them? I'm not going to allow you to steamroll me just because people are going to pinhole certain alleged standards of behavior onto me and make me an 'Angry Black Girl' - it was more than likely going to be done regardless.

I am a black girl, and I can get angry.

So, yeah, I'm going to assert myself - I'm going to make clear the standard in which I deem acceptable to speak to and treat me - why shouldn't I?

All for the sake of being perceived as being the 'better person'?

Yeah, no thanks, this isn't kindergarten anymore, things like that no longer matter in contemporary adult society nor when I go to bed at night.

Not even Beyoncé can convince me to do that - and she's slicker than I am with the shade.

(JUST like a true Christian woman!)

At some point in life, you are going to have to reclaim your power and stop allowing people to treat you in any kind of way. If that means stooping to a level unseen, then so be it - I see no guilt nor find shame in maintaining this attitude.

I have one life and it will not be spent bending at the knee or appeasing the untoward affections of people who are undeserving of such.

The task of making people happy did not form part of the plan of Creation.

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