2:15 PM

Gifs via ginaalexisrodriguez

There is something so funny and jarringly real about a paper and picture perfect couple not being at all like what they've presented to the world.

If you know me, you'll know that I am very very skeptical of most of the relationship-based things I've seen, and see, on the internet.

Whether it be through ceaseless social media posts or constant declarations of love pushed into my periphery, I have begun to grow wary of what I call, performative displays of affection (PDA).

My cynical mind has developed a routine of taking what has been presented to me, and running it through a series of fact-check-esque tests wherein legitimacy is determined.

Not saying that each time I see a visibly happy couple I am immediately laced with suspicion, on the contrary, it is the couples who incessantly talk about just how happy and great they are that I find reason to look at them sideways.

Want to know why?

Gifs via tmpgifs

(JK....kind of)

Honestly, it's because real life is hard and messy as hell.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows and happy smiling faces 24/7. 

With the way modern society is looking, I wouldn't be all too shocked if most all of the more non Trump supporters rational minded folk weren't constantly teetering on near insanity.

It is okay to not be okay - whether that be individual or in your relationship.

Of course there are happy people, happy relationships, but there is something so real about the ones whose cracks you see in fleeting moments.

This is not to say that what is not seen is less valid than what is seen, but as someone who has long witnessed a baffling parade of, "look how happy we are!!!!" suddenly morph into, "I hate you! Trust issues! Men/Women ain't sh*t!", it feels good being affirmed that #goals isn't all it's seemingly cracked up to be.

Truthfully, nobody owes the world any sort of explanation or in-depth view into their psyche or day to day life, but it is very telling that there is a new standard of living that places perceived happiness over veritable happiness.

That reliance on joint performance of glee, as seen in Kelly and Derek on HBO's Insecure, has time and time again proven that you can only fake it for so long before the shit hits the fan.

...Or at least before the public catches on that your wife may be revenge creeping on the low with the coworker you thought you handled.

Try as we may to close ourselves off to influence, love and relationships don't exist in a vacuum.

Shit happens, life is hard and we have to deal with it.

F*ck trying to be a #goal.

At the end of the day, all that effort can either annoyingly persist, end quietly or implode in your face.

In the case of Kelly and Derek (who, spoiler: I think will be revealed to be the baby's father thanks to a SERIES of Hail Mary's only after we've witnessed explosive fights and cry sessions at Kelli's house)...I'm sensing an implosion may come.

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