On: Mental Health
7:05 PM

Gifs via jessicalange
Super basic and not quite revolutionary a concept, but hear me out.
I don't think there will ever be an easy way for me to casually talk or write about the importance of mental health.
Because of the gravity of the subject, its stigma, my lack of professional expertise and a tendency to suppress emotions in times of upset, I regularly avoid broaching the subject with people who are not my immediate family or closest friends.
With thanks to the increment progression of this new age, everyone and their emotions are openly talked about at all times in all places.
Subsequently, these kinds of conversations are unavoidable, and I cannot deny my appreciation of the promotion of open, honest discourse.
So, here are my thoughts.
I think, in this new era we're living in, it is integral that we all individually become aware of just where we mentally lay.
Super basic and not quite revolutionary a concept, but hear me out.
I find the necessity in being astute as to just where my mental health rests essential not only for myself, but for those who surround me.
Of course, you should always prioritize yourself when it comes to your health and safety, but like Taraji P. Henson, I too am a believer in the transferable power of energies.
Unless you've been living on another planet (I can't even say rock because climate change has most definitely depressed our ecosystem), it has been very evident that the global citizen's energy is in stasis.
To simplify, I believe that most people on Earth are currently battling some sort of shared mental unrest.
Of course, there are layers and levels and privileges and everything is subjective, so what do I know, really? But I do think a lot of people, specifically the ones in proximity to myself, are cruising on detachment because they do not feel as though they have been directly impacted by anything worthy of major complaint.
Such mentalities remind me of how I think we often forget about the fragility of the human condition.
I've begun to notice the growing trend of people have developed the habit of ranking and legitimizing tragedies, dictating who is deserving of being in pain.
This insular way of thinking and behaving has to stop.
Awareness of our mental health is fundamental and crucial to our individual and communal safety.
It is okay to not be okay.
I've said this one million times before, but life is not easy.
It is vulnerable and there is no blueprint to follow.
The only thing we have control over is being the arbiter of our destinies.
We need to recognize our mental health issues and make the moves towards becoming better at the best of our capabilities.
(Also, watch this clip from "Inside Out", just because it is really an amazing movie.)