On: Diversity in the Workplace
2:17 PM
Hear ye, hear ye! After much deliberation, I - being a member of the Council of Negroes (trademark pending) - have been chosen to announce: The minimum requirement of colored employees in upper management needed to not appear...shifty...has just been moved up to six.
Yes, I said colored, meaning people of color - the Council recognizes our fellow minority brothers and sisters.
As the pool has widened, we the Council will administer an...examination of sorts, which determines our ability to 'claim' their presence in white-dominated spaces as a win. Such figures must pass a screen test (scored out of 10) as administered by the the Council verifying they are not active proponents of anti-blackness, homophobia, misogyny, and/or any other "-ism" that upholds systems of oppression.
We, being of sound mind and great body as The People of Color, are going to need to see at least four and at most, six, people of Asian, African and/or Latin descent working in major positions within corporate American upper management to believe in your slogans of 'diversity' and 'equal opportunity'. The lack of such figures henceforth dismisses any messages and platforms of the aforementioned slogans.
Yes, we see and acknowledge the six blonde and two brunette white women, however they will no longer be accepted as the standard for "progress".
We no longer accept or recognize the Susan B. "I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ask for the ballot for the Negro and not for the woman" Anthony, white, non-intersectional, bare minimum, bottom of the barrel ideal of feminism or headway.
We have now moved onto the Beyoncé version of feminism - meaning it is time to learn the difference between inclusion and diversity.
Ergo, we are going to need a significant increase in melanin within the next year.
Shouldn't be too hard or too short of a time frame if the percentage of white men in corporate positions seems to increase annually.
*sips tea*
I have always been amused by the concept of diversity in the workplace. Specifically, corporate America. If we take a quick gander at history, we can see the colored bodies whose labor was taken and used to develop its underlying foundation.
Yet, for some reason, we can't seem to find those same bodies damn near anywhere in upper management.
There are literal cities whose foundations are built upon the literal backs of minorities. And now those same minorities cannot and will never reap the benefits - within several lifetimes - of a system which profits off their labor and dollar.
Hmmm, I wonder why...why that is.
You know what was the craziest thing about the Google memo?
That I wasn't surprised by it at all.
Let's not forget which demographic put a certain raging geriatric sycophant into the highest office in the United States.
There is a pervasive belief that the more educated you are, the more worldly and cultured you become, that same mentality works in the opposite.
Such is not always the truth.
How quickly we forget supremacy and superiority complexes are the cornerstones of Western culture.
These 'alt-right' - as they politely call them - mindsets can be found in the darker corners of most all spaces. Hiding in plain sight within unassuming subcultures where only the boldest - fatigued and bothered with hiding their perceived eminence - attach a tangible identity to a mindset.
There's a reason why people who cower behind anonymous characters, pages, email servers and video game chat rooms tend to be more forthcoming about their closed-mindedness and bigotry.
There is no consequence when your hatred is kept behind closed doors.
It may be my growing cynicism and apathy towards man's 'inherent kindness', but I'm tired of the waves of outrage and shock that come about when racism is exposed within the 'higher' sectors of America.
As if hatred just could never exist there.
This country is currently falling at the very hands of racism, xenophobia and climate change - you think I'm shocked that a white guy in tech is violently sexist?
In Silicon Valley?! The Mecca of those tech dudebros whose talk constantly revolves around how their ability to format a microchip makes them you life's superior?
How their 25,000 years of education puts them on equal footing as God?
Yeah, no.
Color me unmoved.
The Council of Negroes is no longer accepting such displays of faux outrage and promises of doing better sans tangible action.
Everything minorities have been telling you has proven - time and time again - to be true.

So step up, or shut up.