On: The Cookout
6:54 PM
Gif via tsabe
Dear Black People,
Stop inviting every white and/or non-black person of color who so graciously extends and recognizes humanity to and within Black people. This also applies to all white and/or non-black person of color who possesses the ability to dance on beat or is in some way indirectly linked to blackness or "Black cool" to this fictional cookout.
Stop it right now.
Matter of fact, stop giving them gross amounts of attention, period.
I am so tired of the joke, and frankly, it is fatiguing watching people pass out medals of honor to people who truly don't do anything worthy of the ostentatious merit with which is bestowed upon them.
I'm not giving you a Nobel Peace Prize for standing up to your racist uncle, and I'm damn sure not inducting you into a Hall of Fame for knowing how to nae-nae on beat when the time comes.
All that "(insert non-black poc/white) people stay winning/evolving!" rhetoric? Keep it.

Gifs via thecheeziersnack-blog
Fictive ass kinship.
To be honest, this sentiment is not limited to race, it can be attributed to so many other facets of life and the human experience.
Being a good partner, friend, co-worker, etc. should not merit never ending accolades or constant reminders of just how great of a human you are.
If societal ethics designate set laws to ensure that it should be man's nature to move about society as a good person, why must we constantly laud those who do?
I mean, I get it, watching a white lady uppercut another fellow white lady for having the audacity to fix her lips to say something racist within her presence is amazing.
Truly and orgasmic-level display of allyship.
As a Black woman I can only compare that level of joy akin to the chills of exhilaration that will run up my spine as I take the first lick of vanilla ice cream seated in the warm sand of a Croatian beach.
A Croatian beach I will surely (God willing) be visiting within the next five years.
I'm not about to deny my viewing pleasure, however I'm no longer in the business of applauding people for doing what they should be doing.
White people should be - SHOULD HAVE BEEN - throwing hands at racists.*
*if the situation permits it
They're the only ones who can truly save us from this terrible time in history - they're the ones responsible for it!
The fate of the Western world lies in the hands of white people - Lord.
That only contributes to the erasure of Black peoples' success.
I know certain aspects of black culture are dumb lit, and as natural trendsetters we can't help imitators, but KEEP IT.
Cause when the white girls with 'boxer braids' and vaguely urban accents, and Spooky Black's with durags and grills start getting credited with introducing their watered down imitations of blackness to the mainstream, don't get upset if you took part in hyping them up.
So, please stop with this 'cookout' nonsense.
Food probably taste like water anyways, go away.