On: Stop Calling for Kanye's
7:41 PM

Gifs via pop-crash
Why is it every single time a non-black person messes up, the first thing people run to is, "Oh, why didn't their [insert token minority friend] stop them?!"
1. We're (typically) not your mules
2. As my mother says, if you can do the crime you can pay the time and
3. Please stop calling for Kanye's.
"Calling for a Kanye", as coined by me, is the act of calling upon the judgement and furor of a token minority friend within a group of - usually white or nonblack - people after said white or nonblack person makes a - usually race related - Big Mistake.
The aforementioned token minority friend typically moves about this situation in two ways:
A. They sit silently, awaiting the moment the entire fiasco blows over because, it's their friend, and they can't go against their friend right? Besides, it's not like the -ism/-ation their friend has been accused of perpetuating is applicable to them, because they're different. And it's not like it's that big of a deal, right? Cause people are so sensitive about everything nowadays. And OMG, IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS!!! Freaking Twitter feminazis.
B. They jump to the immediate defense of their friend, taking any and every critique as an attack on themselves and their character. Like a human shield, they protect their friend from the big bads on and offline, willingly choosing to protect their friend from the super harsh burn of criticism and/or bearing the burden of learning from their mistakes. They absolve their friends of any wrongdoing because said friend just didn't know any better, and my God, THIS again?? Is it that serious! Look at how rich/pretty/cool/popular my friend is! Isn't that enough to make up for their personality defects?!
Freaking Twitter feminazis, man.
They are one of the few so lucky to have transcended their race, their class, their socioeconomic background - whatever marginalized identity they hide in closets and under dusty carpets.
Why sacrifice that for you? The glaring reminder of a past they wish to forget and a future they never hope to see.
1. We're (typically) not your mules
2. As my mother says, if you can do the crime you can pay the time and
3. Please stop calling for Kanye's.
"Calling for a Kanye", as coined by me, is the act of calling upon the judgement and furor of a token minority friend within a group of - usually white or nonblack - people after said white or nonblack person makes a - usually race related - Big Mistake.
The aforementioned token minority friend typically moves about this situation in two ways:
A. They sit silently, awaiting the moment the entire fiasco blows over because, it's their friend, and they can't go against their friend right? Besides, it's not like the -ism/-ation their friend has been accused of perpetuating is applicable to them, because they're different. And it's not like it's that big of a deal, right? Cause people are so sensitive about everything nowadays. And OMG, IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS!!! Freaking Twitter feminazis.

B. They jump to the immediate defense of their friend, taking any and every critique as an attack on themselves and their character. Like a human shield, they protect their friend from the big bads on and offline, willingly choosing to protect their friend from the super harsh burn of criticism and/or bearing the burden of learning from their mistakes. They absolve their friends of any wrongdoing because said friend just didn't know any better, and my God, THIS again?? Is it that serious! Look at how rich/pretty/cool/popular my friend is! Isn't that enough to make up for their personality defects?!
Freaking Twitter feminazis, man.

The key thing to remember here is: the Kanye's don't care. Not in any way. If they did, they don't anymore, and if not they never have and probably never will.
Matter of fact, I'd bet good money it was the Kanye's who egged on and excused these behaviors time and time again because they crave acceptance, and in their minds, to their - usually white and/or nonblack - friends, they're different. The exception to the rules of bigotry and hate.
They believe the rapport they have built up with people who are so wholly unlike them is good excuse enough to allow and enable these...slip ups.
They are one of the few so lucky to have transcended their race, their class, their socioeconomic background - whatever marginalized identity they hide in closets and under dusty carpets.
Why sacrifice that for you? The glaring reminder of a past they wish to forget and a future they never hope to see.
So they sit quietly, uncaring, upon the foot stool in front of the majestic throne and alter of - usually - white or nonblack acceptance.
No matter how many times you scream and beg for your voice to be heard, their back stays turned to you, your pleas for apology falling heavily upon their back.
And so there you stand, confused, bewildered by the lack of solidarity, slowly realizing that not all skinfolk are your kinfolk.
And them?
A back is all you see. They would never deign to acknowledge that at one point in time, they were just like you, standing right beside you, living your exact same reality.
And what scares them the most is that despite it all - the pandering, the slander, the sheer disrespect - they know they will never be one of them. The ones they so seek acceptance from.
So they paste a frozen smile upon their faces and keep their head sturned upward towards white and/or nonblack acceptance. So long and seeminlgy impenetrable is that smile, all criticism is virtually blocked by the blinding light of a new day.
Meanwhile, the offenders continue on, learning nothing, seeing nothing, hearing nothing - the minor cracks in the alter stuffed with the same napkins you used to soak your wounds.
And them?
A back is all you see. They would never deign to acknowledge that at one point in time, they were just like you, standing right beside you, living your exact same reality.
And what scares them the most is that despite it all - the pandering, the slander, the sheer disrespect - they know they will never be one of them. The ones they so seek acceptance from.
So they paste a frozen smile upon their faces and keep their head sturned upward towards white and/or nonblack acceptance. So long and seeminlgy impenetrable is that smile, all criticism is virtually blocked by the blinding light of a new day.
Meanwhile, the offenders continue on, learning nothing, seeing nothing, hearing nothing - the minor cracks in the alter stuffed with the same napkins you used to soak your wounds.
So stop calling for Kanye's. They don't care, and you shouldn't care about them.