She's Back!

7:57 PM

Well, America!

She's back!

After a two-year(ish) hiatus, I have decided to get back on this thing - my how time has flown.

Trutfully speaking, there was no reason for me to ever stop; I think real life just mostly got in my way and cluttered my head. When you spend more of your time getting soul-sucked from a corporation that can't even be bothered to toss you a spare fiver for a bonus bonus, well! 

It's kind of hard to get online for anything more than an escape.

And - to give myself a lot of credit - I think I forgot I (to a certain degree) may serve that purpose for someone else. I mean, humor is a universal balm, who knows how many people I've made laugh - intentionally or not?

I think one of the main reasons I came back on here is because I was asked, for the hundredth time, to make a podcast. You see, my personality is so effrevescent people just clamor to hear my thoughts - I can't help but be compelling! I'm a Leo and a middle child, it was in my life lottery!

I'm joking, but really - so many people want me to do a podcast! And it's not that I'm against it, I just feel like that's the medium I've least cared to explore, as far as expressing my opinions. I mean, I think I'd be a killer guest on someone else's podcast, or even a TikTok (I am still waiting for the day a child with a lav mic comes up to me in the mall, by the way - what is taking so long?!), but I don't know - never say never, I guess. 

But what a revelation it was to read my old posts - why didn't any of you tell me I was in dire need of a copyeditor was so unhinged (but in like, a crazy/sexy/cool way that is aspirational)? I mean seriously, the mix of long-winded streams of conscius and humor?! 

That's what I'm good at. I've always been a great writer - albeit I may write...too much...every now and again. Despite that, I firmly belive I deserve a Presidential medal for relatable comedy. Just your regular, sexy and modern working woman!

You know, each year is now a steady creep towards my having this blogspot for 10 years - which is an insane thing to realize. I started this with a college roommate (who I am still friends with, if you cared to know) and look at how far we've made it, word to Shania Twain.

Okay okay, jokes aside folks - it's 2024.

Huge year for me, I'm claiming it now - we are speaking only great things over ourselves this year.

Really we should be doing that every year, but I am now .. . in .. my late 20s (not spiraling about that, by the way!) with the wisdom of a wizened old tree constantly on the brink of being chopped down, so I'm really on this. Gonna emphasize the need to speak positivity and wealth of: spirit/family/health/etc. over myself and any of you reading this. Cause no one likes a Deborah Downer, especially not on the first day of a New Year.

We got this!

I'll try my best to keep this going, I mean really try.

But try to work with me I'm only human.

And for a treat, here's some randome thoughts:


Presented without further commentary.
Just cause y'all know I can go on, and on, and on, and on, and o-


Gifs via ayoedebiris

(That's me at her label and YouTube HQ, btw.)

Girl, if y'all don't get the music back on YouTube? What's going on there?! Why do I have the option to listen to 5 different remixes of one song, but not the original song itself?

Don't vex me?


Gifs via brucelangley

Spoiler alert on the gifs, I guess.

Wasn't terrible, but really pissed me off - like that cannot be it.

Actually, me and Emerald Fennell might have a coconut, to be honest! Cause "Promising Young Woman" pissed me off, too - and it's ALWAYS the third act that really gets me fuming.

"The Little Mermaid" remake

Gif via movie-gifs

I would like to retract any and all negative statements I made towards this film due to my own hesitations about live-actions. Naturally, I cried (because of course I did, I'm a crybaby - what can I do about it?), and it was a wholesome watch, which is like 35% of what it was intended to be.

(Everything else was about expanding Disney's cultural and financial capital.)


Gifs via cinematv

After much thought, I have decided that Wade is biracial - his deceased father was Black. Yes he's a water blob but there's just some things- listen, I can't get too into it, but you get it.

It was a great Caublinasian (thanks Tiger Woods) love story, that now sits firmly between "The Princess and the Frog" and "Up" on my roster of amazing films about love that you can cry to.

"BARBIE" Movie

Gif via manderley

Just was not good. I think I walked in expecting a story more similar to the OTHER Barbie film "Life-Size" than I did.. whatever that attempt at poignant discourse was. Says something that more people resonated with Ken than the literal main character!!! WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE WOME-

*lights cut off*   


Gifs via melis-writes

Still has me in her claw-nailed talons. It's basically a soul tie, at this point.


Gif via movie-gifs

Still some ass, humiliatingly so when I recall my 5974593849 years of studying it PLUS my family speaking it. Working on it, though. . sorta kinda.


Gifs via filmgifs

Just off principle (raises Black Fist) I have to say they're a mostly terrible people, however I cannot stop thinking about this one fruit pastry I had when I was 12, so I will give them one daisy petal for that.

They whip up some magic at the patisserie. 


Gifs via kitherondale

I will not call it X, that's so dumb. Grow up.

"Real Housewives of Salt Lake City"

Gif via filmgifs

Has quite literally experienced a renaissance season thanks to the hiring of social media star and alleged blogger, Monica Garcia. So what if she has a rap sheet full of misdemeanor's, she's fun! He who is without sin, and all that!

And, might I add, she's given a lot of the cast more to work for in just one season than they have in years (looking at you, self-proclaimed Bad Mormon, and even you Queen Mother Meredith.)


Gifs via georgeromeros

Just. . don't.
I'm PRE-tired.


Gif via cherubinas

Still out here being STANK and RAGGEDY!!! GO AWAY!
(Wear your mask, wash them hands!)


Gif via bladesrunner

Absolutely humiliating. It wasn't supposed to be like this for me!

THE 2020s

Gifs via chewbacca

We had a REAL rough start, and truthfully it's still pretty rough - but baby I believe in you! It can and will get better (word to the LGBTQ community)


Gifs via userjenlawrence

Am I the source of all my problems, or are is it literally every American system? TBD....

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