Top 13 People (And Things) To Stay in 2013
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Gif Credit: Euphoric Fixation |
Well, we did it everybody, we've made it through another crazy year on this Earth. So, in the tradition of reflection, and the inspiration of Kid Fury, we here at The Girls' Room have devised a list of the top 13 people, and things, that should remain in 2013 whilst we progress into 2014. So without further ado, here goes nothing...
13. SNL's lack of diversity
I'm calling you out SNL! How can a show that has been on the air for 38 years accredit itself to being 'progressive satire' if, in all of its history, has only had four women of color. Hell, even in this current photo there are only five (I REPEAT, FIVE) women of the total 14 strong cast, (which is predominantly white, shocker) and NONE of them are women of color. And I'm not even going to address Kenan Thompson and his ignorant response to the lack of diversity, but what I will ask is, what's the reason? What, exactly is the excuse for not including not one Asian woman/man, not one Hispanic woman/man, not one Black woman? Cause, from where I'm standing, it looks like laziness. Pure, unadulterated, laziness. This "white-boys club", as it has been affectionately called, ya'll are running over here isn't cutting it anymore. Ratings and viewership have been dropping for a long time now, and it's not only because the show isn't funny anymore, it's also because most of the funny people are leaving. Times are changing, and if you're as progressive as you preach, you'd shake up the lineup, cause uhhh, this one ain't cutting it anymore.
12. The word 'rachet'
Yeah, this definition is wrong. I know we all heard THAT SONG, but um, ratchet is actually a derivation of the word 'wretched', and I'm sick and tired of people using it to describe something that they perceive to be dirty, or classless. Listen, I'm not saying everyone does this, but what makes me most uncomfortable about the word 'ratchet' is its association with urban (and, by default, black) culture. Listen, not every-freaking-thing is ratchet. A messy hair day isn't rachet, an untucked shirt is not rachet, and girls shaking their things in the club is not rachet. Enough with the word 'rachet'!
11. Lady Gaga's antics
Lady Gaga, girl, what the hell is this? You look like a scary mix between Bane from The Dark Knight, and a wheat thin.'s enough, girl. We get you want to be expressive, and artsy, and different, but sweet sis, it's time to retire this act. It's getting old, and instead of looking at you with wonderment and awe, we're barely glancing at you anymore. You already have the face, a rockin bod, a great voice, and a beautiful personality. This excess you're doing is just...old. I'm happy you've taken a card out of Nicki Minaj's book and toned down your image, but I'm watching you, Gaga, I see sneak peeks of your extra. I know you don't have any plans to mighty morph back to the Lady Gaga we all knew and adored during "The Fame" (pity, really, I stanned for that Gaga) but I just think it's time to do away with the antics and let your music though it has been subpar as of late do the talking.
10. Ariana Grande's hairstyle
YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR THIS ARIANA! For some, lack of talent is what is holding them back, but to me, Ariana Grande's trademark half up/half down hairstyle is holding her back from world domination. These are all jokes, but, seriously, this hairstyle has GOTTA GO. You're a beautiful, young, fresh-faced singer with the voice of Mariah Carey an angel, and I really want to get into you, but I keep seeing you with this 'do and it makes me think of a 10 year old, and I just can't get into it. I don't know why, maybe it's the war flashbacks from elementary school, but I just can't take you seriously. I know you've said you feel uncomfortable with your hair down, but I've seen you in other hairstyles, and I think you look beautiful! You're too pretty a girl, too nice a person, and too great of an artist for this. Now, you don't have to start immediately, but I think a change in the new year would be only for the best.
9. High-Low everything
See...this is kind of complicated, because it's just a trend that became overused. Look, I don't dislike high-low clothing, I'm just sick of seeing this style applied to EVERYTHING. High-low shorts, high-low skirts, high-low shirts, high-low dresses, high-low socks, I'M SICK OF IT! Turning a perfectly normal jean shirt into a high-low jean shirt ruins the reason why I wanted an even-cut shirt, seeing it in a high-low cut makes me want to light it on fire. Like most things, the high-low trend started on the high fashion runways and trickled down into the commercial retail chains and just became overused and abused. Don't believe me? Go take a look at Forever 21's website.
8. Perez Hilton
Along with the website, the man behind the brand needs to keep himself in 2013. Aside from being a not-so-nice person, childish, and tacky, he's also a father *gags* to a beautiful baby boy. Just grow up and leave these celebs alone man, not only are you too old to be picking fights on and offline, but you're also now the role model to a young child. The d-bag attitude/spoiled brat crying for attention act is old and very unpopular. Sorry you didn't make it as a celeb in Hollywood, but building a brand/empire based on tearing those people who did down is just.....ugly. Just fade into oblivion and raise your son, please, we're all begging you.
7. Policing Women
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Leticia van de Putte & Wendy Davis |
6. Lip Synching
Katy Perry sings like hell! Big playback... by mistersexybuzz
Ouch. Yeah, just....ummm....listen this is not exclusive to only Katy Perry *side eyes Mariah Carey*, and at least this is not something she does frequently but ummm, just don't do it. We all know that live may not be her forte, and I'm sure her choreo didn't help with her breathing, but I just think that it's a little late in the game to get caught lip synching. Sorry boo, you'll get them next time!
5. "Twerking"
Well, if you were alive at all in 2013, I'm sure you noticed the large influx of what white America began labeling as "twerking". Um...yeah twerking is not this, or this, or this, or even this. What it is, however, is just another thing white people mainstrem society took and flipped on its, well, ass. Following the footsteps of the Harlem Shake, the word 'ghetto' and the word 'rachet'. You see, the main things you need to have in order to twerk is:
a. and ass
b. rythym
but no matter how many times we say it or the amount of side eyes we throw, people will still consider shaking a flat ass twerking. Don't believe me? See how many times people associate this bs with Miley Cyrus. I'm so sorry Miley Cyrus gave ya'll hope. I'm really sorry, but it is now time to retire this atrocity to the "Shit Black People Once Did" Hall of Fame. *pours one out for the homies*
4. 'Reverse Racism'
3. Macklemore
2. Kanye West
What happened to Kanye West? From the rants, to the meltdowns, to the 'down with fashion', to the hatred of empires (while being engaged to a Kardashian ironically enough), just...what's going on? I truly used to love Kanye, really, I admired his struggles and how he built himself up after his accident, and I loved that he took his art very seriously. I loved that he seemed like a hard worker, while at the same time maintaining his goofy Chicago kid attitude. I loved that he had his hand in almost every industry, and I loved that he managed to keep his private life private while being this great big celebrity. But now, Kanye just seems to hate it all, and he's not keeping it a secret. While I don't want to appear as though I am diagnosing him, I believe his descent into madness has been a long time coming since the passing of his mother, Donda West. It is a hard thing to deal with, losing someone who you believed to have hung the moon, to lose someone you accredit your whole life to, to lose your best friend, but I don't think Kanye has truly and utterly dealt with that loss, so his grief and displeasure with the trajectory of his life is manifesting itself in other ways. I don't know why he's showing his ass constantly nowadays, but what I do know is that he is not getting any positive press for his...ahem..antics.
"In the aftermath of Beyonce’s new album release we are seeing the supremacy of a certain kind of Black creative. This Black creative is uber-famous, uber-rich, pop(ulist) and also visionary. They are transcending the politics of the entertainment industry while appealing to the masses. Creatives like Beyonce, Pharrell, Janelle Monae and Solange can sell records but they can also transform culture in profound ways. Kanye West, however, who should belong to this peer group, is slowly pigeonholing himself into historical obscurity. It’s like Twitter user @secondnameisval tweeted: ‘Yonce out here achieving everything Yeezus ever whined about. She creates culture. She’s not asking to be at anyone’s table."
- Assita Camara
I just want Kanye to be happy again, and not the 'smile for the photogs' happy, I mean 'waking up in the morning and admiring all you have around you' happy. I just think he should rest for a bit, take a year or too off, marry Kim and just raise his beautiful daughter, and keep the things he feels most happiest about around him. Just do it for you, Kanye.
1. Miley Cyrus
Well Destiny Hope Miley, sis, you did it. You managed to annoy me the most in 2013. So tell me, did you really think your metamorphosis into Rihanna 2.0 would help you run away from your past? I'm sick of your unclean tongue, I'm sick of the weed, I'm sick of your Roger Klotz haircut, I'm sick of you attempting to rap, I'm sick of the terrible appropriation of black culture, and I'm just sick of YOU. I don't want to hear about you on the news or see you on my Tumblr dashboard or Twitter timeline this coming year. Enough is enough, your antics are transparent and weeaaak and you, girl, are even weaker. It's not enough that you're attempting to murder Hannah Montana (NEWSFLASH you'll never be rid of her just like Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and Daniel Radcliffe will never be rid of Hermoine, Ron, and Harry) by doing the absolute most, you're going about it in a way that is annoying the general public, or at least those of us with common sense. You did not grow up listening to hip-hop music, not matter how much you say you did, and you're not about this 'thug life' you keep spewing to your fans because we all know, for a fact, that if we threw you into Compton, shit would get real, real fast. Just chill out, okay? I see how other people want you to succeed, and I do see that you are a pretty girl and you can, ahem, sing hold a note *cough*, but just know you can grow up and be considered an adult without all these antics and obnoxious behavior. Besides, it's not like Hannah Montana was a crack dealer with six kids and a dead beat boyfriend, get over yourself.
Honorable Mentions: Taylor Swift -but she doesn't seem to be finished with butchering the country music genre just yet
The Kardashians - no one wants to keep up with you anymore, and no one is interested in any of your lives anymore. Stop with the publicity stunts and just fade into entertainment obscurity with all of your money. Don't let your 'celebrity' tear apart your family.
Victoria's Secret lack of body diversity - as a brand of lingerie targeted to women of all shapes and sizes, you sure do showcase the minority size quite a lot. Switch up the lineup, guys, there's models of all distinctions just waiting to showcase their bodies in some sexy lingerie.
The Girls' Room