How To Deal With Stress

9:19 PM

The Perks of Being Stressed

As a second year college student, I've encountered many instances of what can only be described as EXTREME stress. Now, for those of you who don't know, stress has many definitions, but what I'm, and many of you, are experiencing is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or many demanding circumstances. To put it in the King's English, I'm going through some deep, tiring, bullsh*t. Influences inside and outside my schooling have managed to stress me out to the point where I've had anxiety attacks, lost weight, gained weight, and experienced periods of depression, all of which are completely natural and normal, and exclusive to all people. But I've grown tired of feeling like this, it's time for a change! So here are some ways, I've learned, in which you can alleviate stress:

1. Take a nap - Random, I know, but there is nothing more refreshing than a good rest. I mean, sure the same problems will still be there when you wake up, but your outlook will be different thanks to your new, relaxed state.

2. Cry - As much as I hate crying in public (control issues, if you were wondering), sometimes having a good cry is really helpful, and, not to mention, a great way to release pent up energy/frustration.

3. Get Up! - Ugh, excercising, BLECH. Listen, I'm not the most *ahem* sprightly person (I'd like to think my vibrant personality makes up for my sloth-like ways), but being active and doing something like running, working out, or just being UP, is a great way to relieve the body of excess tensions, while also dedicating your focus to other things. And though I gripe and moan about working out, I feel one billion times better and more energetic after a good move about.

4. Listen to music - There's nothing better than a music and food binge, but don't forget everything in moderation. However, don't be scared to crank up that volume, dance around in your underwear, and scream lyrics at the top of your voice (while still respecting the boundaries of whomever you live with, if you're like me and have a roomie) and, in the words of Jay-Z & Kanye West, go ham! (I recommend going ham to Matangi, M.I.A.'s new album)

5. Talk about it - Because I am a middle child (2nd of 3 girls *woot woot*) I am never short of an open ear, laugh, kind hug, or word of advice. If you are not afforded such a luxury of siblings, find a friend who's willing to listen to you, but, if your friends suck and don't want to listen to you, we're always here with an open ear!

6. Have a laugh! - A great way to alleviate stress is to laugh, and laugh a lot. Not only does it trigger the release of endorphins, which promotes a happier, more relaxed feeling, laughing is also notoriously infectious, so you'd be spreading the happiness! Something that makes me laugh (if you're into crude humor like me), are the videos of YouTuber Kid Fury, (he also has a weekly podcast, The Read) and he always manages to put a smile on my face.

That's all I have for now, but it's always important to remember that stress, much like the millions of other obstacles thrown at us daily, are presented to assure us that, in time, things will definitely get better.

The Girls' Room

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