Let's Switch It Up, Eh?
12:43 AMSeeing as though this is a blog ran by two young females, it's appropriate that some of our posts get a little more personal (I mean we can't be so sarcastic at all times.) I decided to focus my attention on relationships --more so, love. I am very aware that I have my whole life ahead of me and that I should be focusing on school and a career (blahblahblah), but it's very relevant.
To be honest, I have no idea where to begin with this, but I feel like I've been in emotional relationship with a certain someone for over a year (try four). You're probably scratching your head like "what?" but trust me, it all makes sense. Have you ever felt emotionally attached to someone. So attached to the point where it affects potential relationships with other guys. That's where I'm at. Although, I am "single as a Pringle," (so whack) I still feel as if I am betraying someone by talking to someone else (and left with false hope that things will change.) It's an extremely complex situation and it would take five hundred blog posts to explain it all, but I figured I should write (type) about it.
I used to be very complacent with the situation and it got so bad that I just referred to it as "THE situation," and became accustom to ignoring it. But now that I'm focusing on what I want in my life, this "situation," has been brought back the forefront. I'm learning how to get rid of layers of my life that simply hold me back from reaching my maximum potential. I know that I am not the only one who's going through this. All I can say is for you to pray about it. Hopefully me sharing this piece of honesty will help someone figure out what they want and where they're headed in life. Stay positive and keep your head up. We'll get through this.
Remember, No one is entitled to your love, but you. XX